What personal data is accessed during the savings bank identification process?

To activate your KulturPass budget of 100 Euros, you can use your current account at a participating Sparkasse and your corresponding access to online banking. Your Sparkasse will provide us with the following data:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Place of residence (country)
  • the bank sort code of your Sparkasse.
This is used to verify that you fulfil all the requirements for the KulturPass.

The following apply:

  • our „Datenschutzhinweise für Nutzende der KulturPass-App und Registrierte“  (‘Data protection information for users of the KulturPass app and registered users’), which you can find at https://www.kulturpass.de/datenschutz/jugendliche (point 3.5.3 „Identifizierung über Sparkassen“ ), and
  • the data protection information of your Sparkasse, which you can view in the online Sparkasse environment before you authorise identification.

Note: Always make sure that you are in the right app or on the right website before entering your login details.

Bei Fragen melde Dich jederzeit gerne bei uns unter support@kulturpass.de.