Using your remaining budget

Currently, only offers for which there is sufficient budget in the KulturPass app can be reserved in the KulturPass. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ‘top up’ your budget, nor is it technically possible to pay the missing amount directly in the app. Remaining amounts that cannot be redeemed cannot be paid out.

If you only have a small remaining budget, there are various options for you.

If the provider offers smaller value codes (e.g. 5 euros) with the option to make an additional payment, you can reserve the offer via a value code. This is often the case in local bookshops in particular. It is at the discretion of the supplier whether they want to offer value codes for their event, but they are not obliged to do so. Feel free to ask your local providers whether they would like to offer smaller amounts.

In the KulturPass app, there are also many offers for a small budget, such as cinema tickets, used books, museum admissions, musical instrument accessories and much more. Use our filters in the search function or click on our ‘Nice Price’ banner below the search bar to find these offers.

If you have any questions, please contact us at