Missing offers

Can't find an offer in the KulturPass?

There may be various reasons for this:
  1. It may be that the offer in the KulturPass is not eligible. You can find an overview of all eligible offers here: https://service.kulturpass.de/help/en-gb/39-angebote-finden-reservieren/220-teilnahmeberechtigte-angebote. 
  2. It is possible that the provider is not active in the KulturPass.
  3. It is possible that a provider only wants to include certain offers in the KulturPass, e.g. because they are very limited or already sold out.
What ends up as an offer in the KulturPass depends on which cultural providers participate in the KulturPass. The KulturPass provides the platform.

What can you do?
If your favourite offer is missing from the KulturPass, you can take action. Contact the provider directly and ask whether they would be interested in participating in the KulturPass.
This helps to draw attention to the fact that you and your friends are interested in taking up the offer via the KulturPass. At the same time, it creates an additional incentive for the providers to register with the KulturPass.

If they are already part of the KulturPass, they can tell you why certain offers or events are not available in the app.

If you have any questions, please contact us at support@kulturpass.de.